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Please choose your Employer's Medical Provider Network
Please select your employer’s MPN from the options above. The search page allows three options: the default page allows you to search by a specific provider name, specialty, city or zip code. Choose PROXIMITY from the menu at the top of the page to find providers near your home or business address. Enter your address in the fields on the left and any search requirements in the fields on the right. Choose ROTP from the menu at the top of the page to see a Roster of Treating Physicians. MPN General Information can be found using the link at the top of each page under the MPN Notice (English) and MPN Notice (Spanish). If you have problems using this page or wish to report an error or correction to a listing inaccuracy, please contact the Status Medical Access Assistant at: mpninfo@simon-companies.com or (209) 549-3009 or (888) 312-5346 Toll Free. |